Daodejing Chapter 25 breakdown: nebulous yet whole

<p>The chapter opens with a description of a &ldquo;nebulous yet whole&rdquo; entity existing before heaven and earth. This is of course the Dao, the ultimate principle that underlies all creation and reality. The text describes it as silent, formless, alone, and unchanging, emphasizing its mysterious and eternal nature.</p> <p>The passage also reminds you of the feminine essence of the Dao, describing it as the &ldquo;mother of all-under-heaven&rdquo; to highlight its role as the source and sustainer of all things. Just as a mother gives life and nourishment to an infant, the Dao gives rise to the complexity and diversity of the universe without effort or intent.</p> <p><a href="https://brownbeat.medium.com/daodejing-chapter-25-breakdown-nebulous-yet-whole-c43063950f8d"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>