New city: The daily walk to office as a window to Vancouver

<p>Just over two months ago, my wife and I moved our very cozy, settled life in Gurgaon, India to Vancouver, Canada &mdash; a city that is as distant and distinct from Gurgaon as can be.</p> <p>The whims and motivations that drove this move are a topic for another post. In here, I want to capture, sans bias, the Vancouver that presented itself to me in my early days here.</p> <p>I get to soak in the city the most while I walk to my office.</p> <p>Walking on the road was almost surreal to me at first, having come from Gurgaon with the non-existent footpaths. Needless to say, though, walking allows one to absorb the city in a way driving cannot.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>