5 Ways to Add More Fun to Your Daily Stand-Ups

<p>Going to a daily stand-up can get stale pretty quickly: the same people, same topics at the same time &mdash; eeeeevery day. It doesn&rsquo;t have to be that way though! Even if you work in the most corporate of environments, you can add a little fun to your daily meeting. Adults truly are just big kids and any way you can channel your inner five-year-old is bound to make stand-ups more interesting. Here are five ways I&rsquo;ve found to inject more fun into stand-ups whether you&rsquo;re a Scrum master, a product manager, or a team member. They can be used during &ldquo;<a href="https://www.thebalancecareers.com/meeting-management-to-improve-productivity-2275301" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">parking lot</a>&rdquo; time or at the beginning or end of a stand-up.</p> <ol> <li><strong>Daily Alliteration</strong></li> </ol> <p>A little alliteration never hurt anybody and it&rsquo;s an easy way to end your stand-ups. You can start with: &ldquo;Have a&nbsp;<em>marvelous Monday</em>, everyone, &ldquo; follow it up with &ldquo;All of you have a&nbsp;<em>thrilling</em>&nbsp;<em>Tuesday</em>,&rdquo; and then maybe an &ldquo;Everyone enjoy a&nbsp;<em>woohoo Wednesday</em>.&rdquo; When I started doing this, I didn&rsquo;t announce it to my teams and once they started to catch on they began to look forward to hearing the word of the day. One even cracked: &ldquo;When you&rsquo;re not here, I don&rsquo;t know what day it is.&rdquo; As you begin to run of out words, you can use portmanteaus like &ldquo;fantabulous&rdquo; or even start borrowing from other languages.</p> <p><a href="https://techblog.dotdash.com/5-ways-to-add-more-fun-to-your-daily-stand-ups-2cef4ab947ce"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Stand Ups