If you’re in Prague, don’t miss the Museum of Czech Cubism

<p>Their achievements in architecture were unique, so it&rsquo;s fitting that the museum itself is in the first Cubist building in Prague. The House at the Black Madonna was designed by then 31-year-old Josef Goč&aacute;r and constructed in 1911&ndash;1912 as a department store called U Čern&eacute; Matky Bož&iacute; (At the Black Madonna) for wholesaler Franti&scaron;ek Josef Herbst. The name came from the 17th-century sculpture of the Black Madonna adorning the Baroque building the store replaced, generating a lot of criticism at the time. A copy of the statue was installed on the northeast corner of the new fa&ccedil;ade behind a gold grille, joining Cubist elements on the entrance and dormer windows.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@itsapip69/if-youre-in-prague-don-t-miss-the-museum-of-czech-cubism-71dbb13ecf33"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: CZECH Cubism