Custom Instructions: A New Feature You Must Enable to Improve ChatGPT Responses

<p>Remember that prompt engineering technique called Role Prompting that allows us to control the default behavior of ChatGPT to get customized results?</p> <p>It started with something like&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Act as a &hellip;&rdquo;.&nbsp;</em>and you had to include it in every single chat to get better responses.</p> <p>Well, now you can control how ChatGPT responds in every chat by using custom instructions. This can change your whole experience with ChatGPT and, in this article, we&rsquo;ll see how to make the most of it.</p> <h2>First Things First &mdash; Enable Custom Instructions</h2> <p>To enable custom instructions, just like with plugins, go to the bottom-left corner and click on &ldquo;Settings &amp; Beta.&rdquo;</p> <p>The window below will pop up. Select &ldquo;Beta features&rdquo; and enable custom instructions.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*L5jqQxfeBILINJb24GVmlA.png" style="height:438px; width:667px" /></p> <p>Screenshot</p> <p>Note that custom instructions is available to ChatGPT Plus users. Also, keep in mind that this feature is not yet available in the UK and EU (a VPN can easily help you with this though)</p> <h2>How does it work?</h2> <p>To open Custom Instructions, go again to the bottom-left corner and click on the three dots. There you should see the option &ldquo;Custom Instructions.&rdquo; Click on it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>