What Does Curvature Mean? Setting the Scene for General Relativity

<p>General Relativity requires perhaps the most technical background of any field in physics before one can really begin to follow what&rsquo;s going on. The mathematical technology needed to understand the geometry can seem formidable and burdensome.</p> <p>&ldquo;Curved Spacetime&rdquo; is a concept that bends people&rsquo;s minds, the pun is purely coincidental. This is because, in one and two dimensions (by the latter i mean curved surfaces, like that of a ball), &ldquo;curvature&rdquo; and &ldquo;bendiness&rdquo; are really, really basic, visceral concepts. They may even well be hard wired into our minds, because bent and straight are concepts crucial to boundary recognition in a sighted being like us, and the accurate categorization of what we saw in our ancestral homelands of Neogene Wet Savanna Africa determined whether we would eat today, whether it would be safe for us and our children, whether threat or danger lurked against our beloved, our kith and our kin. In short, these concepts are part of a thought vocabulary essential to our survival. In our modern world, the curved geometries of bells, balls, skirts and bubbles are viscerally understood by every child over four years old.</p> <p><a href="https://www.cantorsparadise.com/what-does-curvature-mean-setting-the-scene-for-general-relativity-a8accb5050f1"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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