Curb Your Covid-19

<p>Yesterday, Lee and I were walking home to our apartment in Kerem Hateimanim. On the way, we came across a barricade with a man holding an infrared thermometer and wearing surgical mask around his neck. As he saw us approach, the guard quickly adjusted his mask to cover his nose and mouth. As we attempted to walked past the barricade, the guard refused us entry since we were not wearing masks.</p> <p>This infuriated me.</p> <p>The amount of half assery around the Covid pandemic is astounding. As you can see in the map, there are at least twenty entrances into the neighborhood that are unguarded. Having guards at two of them is a waste of time, money, and effort.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Curb COVID