Cultural Transformations: Islam, Identity, and the Shifting Landscape of the West

<p>An incident took place in Edmonton almost a week ago where the Edmonton city council faced an attack by Bezhani Sarvar, an islamic Afghan immigrant. Sarvar fired multiple shots and later deployed a Molotov cocktail within the building. Prior to the rampage, he shared a video outlining his &lsquo;manifesto,&rsquo; starting the video with &ldquo;As-salamu alaykum brothers and sisters&rdquo;. This is a muslim greeting which, ironically, means &ldquo;Peace be upon you.&rdquo; He further mentions that any nation that is destabilising any countries &ldquo;inshallah we will rise up against you guys and put you on trial&rdquo;. The word &ldquo;inshallah&rdquo; is an arabic phrase meaning, &ldquo;if allah wills&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>