The United States and Cultural Manipulation: Mexico

<p>&ldquo;Mexicans&rdquo;. This word, describes the eight largest population in the entire world. It represents a culture full of beauty, diverse perspectives, money, power, poverty, violence, love, community, it describes a place just like the United States. However, when I was at dinner yesterday, only my third day in Mexico City and heard a white man whom I was dining with (alongside my girlfriend and her mother) claim &ldquo;There are fewer places in the world with kinder people than Mexicans.&rdquo; I felt like he had just uttered a slur. This feeling shocked me immediately internally and rightfully so. Why in the world would the word &ldquo;Mexicans&rdquo; make me feel like I had just heard a slur uttered? Was it because it was a White U.S. citizen that said it? Was it because I believed that being Mexican is inherently bad? I understood the toxicity of even having to ask this and questioned myself for the remainder of the afternoon when finally, the reason occurred to me. It was the same reason that I felt completely baffled by the feeling of familiarity and comfort in the city, the kindness of the people, the lack of &ldquo;third world country&rdquo; visuals.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>