Ujima Invests $80,000 in Boston’s Arts & Cultural Ecosystem

<p>The Boston Ujima Project&rsquo;s Arts and Cultural Organizing Fellowship supports emerging artists and cultural organizers, and is awarded to an Ujima member who demonstrates a commitment to their artistic practice and to the principles of the Boston Ujima Project.</p> <p>The Ujima Arts &amp; Cultural Organizing Fellow spends two years &mdash; an extension intended to provide deeper engagement and long term support &mdash; in an emergent, self-determined program tailored to the needs and interests of the fellow.</p> <p>Shantel Miller&rsquo;s figurative paintings create visual language to transcend the lived and imagined experiences of her inner world. While exploring constructs of race, gender, and religion, she pulls from personal narrative as a departure point for understanding broader social realities &mdash; and uses a syntax of metaphors to represent complex emotions, themes and experiences relevant to spirituality and faith.</p> <p><a href="https://bostonujima.medium.com/ujima-invests-80-000-in-boston-arts-cultural-ecosystem-1dc70cfea766"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>