Cry Your Heart Out Please

<p>What I feel is pretty much to my liking. The smile is set, and the energy, as you can imagine, is out of this world. It feels like I&rsquo;m 100% sure that this huge statement I have would shook the entire planet. My confidence courses through my veins; don&rsquo;t think otherwise.</p> <p>Whilst doing a little pose in this empty space, the need to do a ted-talk crawling behind my mouth. So I say to myself, let the role begin:</p> <p>&ldquo;<em>Hey you all, listen carefully&hellip;&rdquo;</em></p> <p>Take it easy young man &mdash; I took in a deep breath, then pressed on.</p> <p><em>&ldquo;Are you not tired of siting alone and pondering your story silently? Come on, isn&rsquo;t it much better to open up the heavy compartment that you&rsquo;ve kept locked away for goodness knows how long? To let someone, even if it&rsquo;s just one person, know you deeply emotionally and mentally? why do you try so hard not to let your guard down?&rdquo;</em></p> <p>&ldquo;<em>Ah, I see. Is it how your society told you to do so. Glamorizing your persona as a picture perfect behind the desk that full of crappy socks waiting to be cleaned. Ew. Suddenly, everyone becomes obsessed with becoming a Superman, while I believe even he himself holds onto his tears on the edge of his bed. How sad this reality becomes when it comes to prejudice against one&rsquo;s vulnerability. &lsquo;Weak&rsquo;, &lsquo;spoiled brats&rsquo;, &lsquo;mentally unstable&rsquo;, even &lsquo;minor problem&rsquo; are several comments that usually float around this conversation. No wonder why all of you scare to share a lil moment with each other. The notion eventually keeps rooted in our head, and boom, the fortress full of doubts and rage piles is getting bigger and bigger&rdquo;</em></p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Heart Please