Gender critical believers

<p>When Maya Forstater won her right to have her personal beliefs about sex recognised by the UK courts, she proclaimed it as a moral victory of sex over gender ideology. That she ended up in court in part because she was part of a private group chat where she exhibited transphobic views often gets lost in the noise, that her personal beliefs are deeply offensive and targeted against a minority who previously could not care less about her. In establishing a new legal belief system she essentially turned the gender critical movement from a fringe movement into a quasi-cult. Maya was only the most prominent woman, the latest in a series of fringe voices, yet her victory sounded the starter gun for a reactionary counter-cultural movement explicitly aimed at stripping back all rights of trans folk in the English speaking world. While trans folk are more-or-less a broad church of views and opinions, gender critical voices are curating an ever tighter circle of &ldquo;facts&rdquo;, to the point that any opinion outside those are viewed as heretical. The believers are forming a cult, a sanctioned set of believers who are becoming more extreme.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>