Crimson Tapestries: Weaving Strength, Sacrifice, and Love

<p>Crimson winds itself throughout our life. In nature it shows up in sunsets and the colours of flowers and fruits. An insect called, kermes, in ancient times was used to create the dye. It shows up in heraldry to symbolize sacrifice and bravery and in national flags to symbolize strength, bravery and revolution.</p> <p>Experiencing failure or loss is referred to as being &ldquo;in the crimson of defeat&rdquo;. In the Elizabethean era crimson clothing was popular with royals and the wealthy as it symbolized their status and power. In Chinese culture, it&rsquo;s a symbol of luck and prosperity. It&rsquo;s a color of opposites. representing intense emotions like both love and anger in equal measure.</p> <p>A crimson rose, is a symbol of profound emotion, love that resonates deeply within. It&rsquo;s a manifestation of the paradox within. Our ability to be both vulnerable and strong, both tender and fierce.</p> <p>The rose speaks of tales silently told. Of fearless love facing trials. A heart that can be both soft and gentle yet able to endure pain and hardship. It represents a delicate yet resilient nature within it&rsquo;s essence of beauty and bravery.</p> <p>The story of the rose is the story of our human nature. We can be delicate, vulnerable even fragile, yet find the strength and courage to take action or endure as needed. We can make the choice to bloom, to let our spirit write love letters to fill our soul&rsquo;s well of resilience. Or we can make the choice to wilt and fade away.</p> <p>There&rsquo;s a spark within that&rsquo;ll flare up when life seems be darkest. It&rsquo;s a life force driving a will to survive, seeking to light the way not just to survive but to thrive. Have the faith to let your life force lead and the world is yours to experience.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>