It can’t be so

<p>Have you ever had a conversation with someone who disagreed with your point of view? Of course we all have, but I kind of want to lean into the nuance of &ldquo;disagreement&rdquo;.</p> <p>Some things are just preference, right? Example- I prefer to drink my coffee black, but my wife likes to add honey and some type of non-dairy cream. Is my way right, or is my wife&rsquo;s? Silly question, right? That&rsquo;s just simply how I like my coffee, and how she likes hers. No harm, no foul.</p> <p>Well, I guess it&rsquo;s no foul until it becomes illegal to drink black coffee, and at that point I would either have to comply, or risk criminal penalties.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>