UX/UI Case Study of the Crime Scene Berlin

<p>At the Middle of our Design Bootcamp at Ironahck Berlin we were given the Task to do a collaboration project together with the Data Analytics Class. We teamed up for the&nbsp;<strong>Crime Scene Berlin</strong>&nbsp;topic, where the Data of the past 10 Years was analized.</p> <p>Our task for this project was to deliver a working prototype for a Mobile App with some key features, which should include different statistics, the percentage of certain crimes committed in an area and useful tips on what to avoid when walking in certain streets or districts of the city of Berlin.</p> <p>Our primary goal was to create a layout for the App, which will contain the data. We had different kinds of data, like total number of injuries, bikes stolen, robbery committed. We also had data regarding different neighbourhoods (e.g. Mitte, Charlottenburg, Prenzlauer Berg, Neuk&ouml;lln). The challenge was to incorporate these insights in a user-friendly way and to enhance usability.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@andreebc/ux-ui-case-study-of-the-crime-scene-berlin-730cc7d1d6cc"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Crime Scene