Embracing the “No Mind”: The Zen Gateway to Creativity and Presence

<p>The principle of &ldquo;no mind,&rdquo; deeply rooted in Osho Zen philosophy and extolled in Richard Dotts&rsquo; works, is the art of silencing the constant mental chatter to tap into a profound silence &mdash; a space where creativity and solutions manifest not through force, but through surrender.</p> <p>Zen masters have long known this.&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;To think in terms of either pessimism or optimism oversimplifies the truth. The problem is to see reality as it is,&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;said Th&iacute;ch Nhất Hạnh. It&rsquo;s about seeing without the cloud of judgment, without the noise of bias, without the distortion of preconceived notions.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@iLonaAnderson/embracing-the-no-mind-the-zen-gateway-to-creativity-and-presence-c31909c9a3d1"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>