7 Ways to Unlock Your Creativity

<p>Ever find yourself staring at your screen wishing for the creativity genie to magically appear and unlock your brain, flooding you with your best creative solutions right way? Yeah. Me neither. But I do hit creativity roadblocks at times that require me to pause and consider how I can refuel myself.</p> <p>For me, the shower and working out do sometimes open up my creative thinking, and, at other times, these methods can leave me just as burnt out in drumming up new ideas as I was before. Sometimes brilliant&ndash;or what seem like brilliant&ndash;ideas pop into my head while exploring new activities, especially when checking out our beautiful, colorful and sometimes chaotic city.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/design-toast/7-ways-to-unlock-your-creativity-bb3083931bd7"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>