A new dawn for CreativeMornings/Edinburgh

<p>It was the 11th December in 2014, the first-ever CreativeMornings/Edinburgh event and the room was packed despite the &ldquo;weather bomb&rdquo; going on outside. But as the room filled with excited caffeinated chatter, I was hiding backstage gripping the sleeve of my co-event producer Jakub, a videographer I had met online less than 6 weeks ago but &mdash; thanks to the stress and elation that goes hand in hand with event production &mdash; felt like I&rsquo;d known for years. Deadpan in the face of my angst he said: &ldquo;You&rsquo;ll be fine&hellip; and anyway it&rsquo;s too late to back down now.&rdquo;</p> <p>With the certainty of that statement ringing in my ears, I went out to host my first ever&nbsp;<strong>CreativeMornings/Edinburgh</strong>&nbsp;event.</p> <p>6 years &mdash; 66 events &mdash; 2200 community members and countless stolen sharpies later it is now time for me to hang up my metaphorical hat, step down from my duties as CreativeMornings/Edinburgh host and make way for a new dawn. (Too much?)</p> <p><a href="https://hbalex.medium.com/a-new-dawn-for-creativemornings-edinburgh-afc3db89429f"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>