Creating an Animated Counter Button in Jetpack Compose

<p>I recently needed to create a counter button for a simple app. Browsing the internet for inspiration, I stumbled across this design on Dribble by&nbsp;Ehsan Rahimi. Deciding it would be a good challenge to re-create it in Compose, I started playing around with it. Let&rsquo;s build it together one step at a time.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Note that we will try to match the designs as much as possible, but there is much room left for improvement in the final version to make it feel even smoother and closer to the original.</em></p> <h2>Creating the initial layout</h2> <p>We&rsquo;ll start by creating the initial layout without any animations or dragging functionality. We can break the design down into two main components: the draggable thumb and the rounded button layout with decrease, clear, and increase icons.</p> <p>We also need a root layout to hold those two components. Since the clear button is hidden underneath the draggable thumb, and the thumb can be dragged vertically outside of the bounds of the button, we need to use a&nbsp;<code>Box</code>&nbsp;as it allows overlapping elements.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>