Learning and Creating

<p>Which do you prefer &mdash; learning or creating? Many consider themselves lifelong learners, but how many consider themselves lifelong creators?</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s examine the differences to find what&rsquo;s best for us to live a great life.</p> <h2><strong>Learning and creating</strong></h2> <p>Like many of you, learning has been an important part of who I am. Discovering my love for learning significantly impacted my career and life. Because most of the things I loved to learn about involved people and business, I had ample opportunity to apply what I learned by experimenting in real-life situations.</p> <p>Learning by itself, while helpful, would have meant far less had I not been able to put it to use. Curiosity plays a significant role in driving our desire to learn. Learning is not separate from creating. It is simply applying the thoughts learning provides to create. Learning always precedes creating.</p> <p>When you can apply what you learn and see positive results, it can motivate you to learn more. The more you know, the more you can think differently and the more you can create.</p> <p>When I first picked up a guitar at about ten years old, I quickly learned a few chords. I practiced, learning from anyone I could for years, and became reasonably proficient, playing in a band for a short time. Unfortunately, life interfered, and I stopped learning guitar in my early twenties, although I still enjoy playing occasionally.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/learning-and-creating-85bb353cdcf5"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>