Stone Age Smackdown: A Chipped Stone Age Crash Course for Cave Dwellers (and Everyone Else)

<p>Ever wonder what life was like before fancy gadgets and, well, everything else? Welcome to the&nbsp;<strong>Chipped Stone Age</strong>, also known as the&nbsp;<strong>Paleolithic Period</strong>. This period lasted a whopping&nbsp;<strong>2.5 million years</strong>, from roughly 2.5 million years ago to about 12,000 years ago. That&rsquo;s a long time to be chipping away at rocks!</p> <p><strong>So, what makes this age so &ldquo;chipped&rdquo; you ask?</strong>&nbsp;Well, back then, folks hadn&rsquo;t discovered metal yet. Instead, they relied on&nbsp;<strong>chipping stone</strong>&nbsp;to make tools and weapons. Think of it like using a rock as a hammer and another rock as a chisel to create sharp edges and points. Pretty ingenious, right?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: crash Course