Crafting Interactive Bridges: The Evolution of an In-Game Console — Part 1

<h1>Background</h1> <p>My name is&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Alex Volkov</a>, and I have a hobby: creating RPGs in my free time. If you&rsquo;d like, you can call it my pet project. This project is being developed by two people, and I&rsquo;m one of them. You should also know that I&rsquo;m the tech guy; I handle all the development on my own. The other person works on the lore, quests, and other game design aspects that don&rsquo;t involve coding.</p> <h1><strong>Context</strong></h1> <p>In our game, there&rsquo;s an in-game console where players can view live in-game events, such as: damage calculations, NPC information, and even an online chat feature for player-to-player communication. Given this, I&rsquo;ve been tasked with designing a highly extendable system. This system should allow for tabs, a scroll view, and other functionalities, enabling the multifaceted use of this in-game console.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*wUgIYYXiKageTad55dWDiw.jpeg" style="height:499px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Also, remember, we&rsquo;re in the development phase of the game. This means that the game console should include a &ldquo;devlog console&rdquo; for logging debug information events. Additionally, there should be a capability for players to create tickets directly from the game, reporting bugs or suggesting new features.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>