A Beer in the Attic: Jim and Dad’s Craft Beer

<p>&ldquo;Would you like to buy a lightbulb?&rdquo;</p> <p>The 23 year old Jim Sung 宋慶文 looks down at the lightbulb in his hand, ready for his break. There&rsquo;s not a huge crowd in Costco on this day, and Jim doesn&rsquo;t want to be here. Gigantic aisles, lightbulbs, cartoonishly large packages of beef. There&rsquo;s something utterly American about this store, and yet he knows that he&rsquo;s back home in Taipei. There are signs all around, smells infiltrating his nose, sounds that are familiar, even in Costco. The chatter of Taiwanese around him. The footwear people wear all year round, even in Winter. The way the bags rustle a bit differently than they do in the States. The smell of humidity. The way the beer tastes after work.</p> <p><a href="https://jeffreyschwab-30696.medium.com/a-beer-in-the-attic-jim-and-dads-craft-beer-c05f52f47ada"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Craft Beer