JWST’s Crab Nebula: can it solve the mass mystery?

<p>Nearly a thousand years ago, back in the year 1054, a new star seemingly appeared in the night sky. Outshining all others, including Sirius and even the planets, it was even briefly visible during the day, and then faded away, disappearing for centuries. It wasn&rsquo;t until well after the invention of the telescope that anyone would see the aftermath of that event: when 18th century astronomers found a remnant of what was a core-collapse supernova explosion lurking in the same region of sky. Over time, as our astronomical capabilities improved, driven by multi-wavelength capabilities, high-resolution telescopes, and instruments capable of tracking details over long periods of time, we finally pieced together what was truly occurring.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/jwsts-crab-nebula-can-it-solve-the-mass-mystery-2a175233f29d"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Crab NEBULA