Flying to the Other Side

<p>After a long wait upstairs for someone to push me, I breezed through security and passport control. I didn&rsquo;t have to take anything out at all. No liquids or batteries or injections or laptop. Winning! All I had to remove was my hat to check my passport photo.</p> <p>As I expected, the plane passengers were mostly from Hong Kong or China as it is now. And there were lots of babies. We needn&rsquo;t worry about decreasing population numbers from the one child policy which I believe, has now been scrapped.</p> <p>Every baby reminds me of Caelin. A fair toddler about Caelin&rsquo;s age started saying &ldquo;Hello&rdquo; to me in the same way Caelin greets strangers. A lump rose in my throat and I struggled to keep it together.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: CPAP Machine