I Lost My Job Because of COVID — But Probably Not How You Think

<p>Today&rsquo;s Supreme Court decision about Biden&rsquo;s COVID vaccine policy prompted former Republican David Jolly to comment today on MSNBC that Americans now formally have no governmental support in fighting COVID at the workplace &mdash; it&rsquo;s everyone for themselves.</p> <p>Regarding COVID, I&rsquo;ve been fortunate. I&rsquo;ve written&nbsp;<a href="https://leahwelborn.medium.com/how-the-pandemic-saved-my-life-c47f2b7882eb" rel="noopener">elsewhere</a>&nbsp;about how the conditions imposed as a result of the pandemic have helped my mental health immensely. I&rsquo;ve also managed not to catch it, nor has my 75-year-old mother with whom I share a home. We&rsquo;ve been vaccinated and boosted, and we&rsquo;re very, very careful.</p> <p>Ironically, the same cautious concern that may have saved my life and the life of my mother cost me my job at the end of 2021.</p> <p><a href="https://leahwelborn.medium.com/i-lost-my-job-because-of-covid-but-probably-not-how-you-think-54596940ab34"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: COVID vaccine