Being aware of awareness

<p>Most people, I think, start with an object of attention in mindfulness or meditation. We attempt to focus on the breath, or physical sensations in the body, or sound.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s easy to become preoccupied with focusing on a given object of awareness. Sometimes, if I&rsquo;m feeling particularly distracted, I might try counting my breaths. Try to focus for just one in breath, then one out breath. Then another. Try to make it to ten. It&rsquo;s harder than it sounds.</p> <p>But, the object of our attention really isn&rsquo;t what&rsquo;s important. Being aware of awareness itself is the point.</p> <p>That sounds somewhat esoteric. I think Jon Kabat-Zinn puts it well though:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>