What is Dollar Cost Averaging and How Can It Maximize the Return of Your Investments?
<p>Buying low and selling high is how one maximizes investment returns. But how can I consistently buy low when asset prices change all the time? Haven’t I been taught that trying to time the market is a fool’s errand?</p>
<p>Spoiler alert: There is no secret way of consistently buying low. However, today’s post is about a purchasing technique for long-term investors which can help smooth your costs: <strong><em>Dollar Cost Averaging</em></strong>. For volatile investments this technique can actually lower your average cost over time.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/wikimonday/what-is-dollar-cost-averaging-and-how-can-it-maximize-the-return-of-your-investments-896eef1ca1d5"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>