Unveiling the Cosmic Canvas: A Journey into Dark Sky Preservation and Astrotourism, Manali 2023
<p>Greetings, fellow enthusiasts of the cosmos! I trust this message finds you in the embrace of celestial wonders. Today, I am thrilled to recount an extraordinary experience — a journey to the celestial heights of knowledge at the Dark Sky Preservation and Astrotourism Conference, held from November 24th to 26th at the enchanting Manu Allaya in Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India.</p>
<p>This unique conference, a pioneer in its domain, explored the often-overlooked realms of dark sky preservation and astrotourism. Admittedly, I was among those who recognized the term “light pollution” but failed to comprehend its gravity, akin to the way we acknowledge air and water pollution without fully grasping its impact. My decision to forgo an exam for this celestial gathering proved to be more than justified as the experience unfolded.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@shreyasatsangi27/unveiling-the-cosmic-canvas-a-journey-into-dark-sky-preservation-and-astrotourism-manali-2023-bac40d2e4c10"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>