Chapter 3, Part 2: The War In Heaven, The Corruption Of Utopia, and The Maldek/Mars War

<p>In order to understand the War in Heaven we first have to establish both what is meant by &ldquo;Heaven&rdquo; and who and what the principle players actually were. In popular mythology Heaven is often envisioned as a place of billowy white clouds and streaming sunlight and sure, it could look like that if the inhabitants desired, in fact it could look like&hellip;. anything.</p> <p>&ldquo;Heaven&rdquo; simply means the 6th and 7th Densities. The inhabitants of these realms are&hellip;</p> <p><strong>The Divine Archetypes:&nbsp;</strong>Simplified by many with the term &ldquo;God&rdquo;, Divinity actually exists as four distinct yet inextricably bound forces; the Masculine and Feminine Principles, Heart (Christ) Energy , and Body .</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>