Plain English Translation, Asclepius, Section 15, Treatise II of Corpus Hermeticum

<h2>G.R.S. Mead Translation</h2> <p><em>Hermes:&nbsp;</em>For that as mighty is the Greatness of the Good as is the Being of all things that are &mdash; both bodies and things bodiless, things sensible and intelligible things. Call not thou, therefore, aught else Good, for thou would&rsquo;st impious be; nor anything at all at any time call God but Good alone, for so thou would&rsquo;st again be impious.</p> <h2>Plain English Translation</h2> <p><em>Hermes</em>: The greatness of the Good is as immense as the existence of everything that is &mdash; this includes physical objects, non-physical entities, things we can perceive, and things we can understand with our minds. Therefore, you shouldn&rsquo;t call anything else &lsquo;Good&rsquo; except for this, as it would be disrespectful. Similarly, you should never refer to anything as &lsquo;God&rsquo; except for the Good alone, because to do so would also be disrespectful.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>