Embracing the Paradox: ADHD in the Corporate World

<h2>ADHD &amp; The Corporate World</h2> <p>The rigidity of the corporate world can often exacerbate ADHD symptoms, creating additional barriers for individuals with ADHD in the workplace. The sociological model of disability suggests that these barriers are socially constructed and would not exist in a world where neurodivergence is embraced as the norm. People with ADHD commonly struggle with societal norms and unfortunately, not conforming to these expectations can lead to perceptions of rudeness or disinterest, which can hinder professional relationships and advancement.</p> <h2><strong>How ADHD impacts my life at Work</strong></h2> <p>Living with ADHD presents unique challenges in the corporate world. While I possess valuable strengths such as creativity and innovation, I often face difficulties that can impact my performance at work.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@bella_mb/embracing-the-paradox-adhd-in-the-corporate-world-1a5a47421653"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>