Set Up Corda 5 in Windows

<p>Hi everyone, first I apologize for my basic english and the basic structure, it is my first post, but I will do my best to inprove my skills.</p> <p>Let me introduce Corda. Corda is, according with the webpage, Corda offers a single, global, source of truth that can be shared by multiple untrusting individuals. Corda provides this by utilizing a distributed ledger. DLT has the following characteristics:</p> <ul> <li>A distributed ledger is a database of facts that are replicated, shared, and synchronized across multiple participants on a network.</li> <li>A participant is known as an identity and represents a real-world entity within the context of an application network .</li> <li>Each identity has a different view of the, depending on the facts it shares.</li> <li>Identities that share a fact must reach a consensus before it is committed to the ledger.</li> <li>All identities always see the exact same version of any on-ledger facts they share.</li> </ul> <p>I will try to be simply and concise.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Corda Windows