COP28: Farce, Or Revolution?

<p>Our planet teeters on the edge. We have used up so much of the Earth&rsquo;s carbon budget that there are only a few years left to save it. We need global, cohesive and massive action immediately to avoid a worldwide catastrophe. As such, COP28 might be not only the most critical climate summit ever but quite possibly the most important international summit ever! But, it is being hosted in the UAE, a nation that was built on oil, and chaired by Sultan Al Jaber, a CEO of one of the world&rsquo;s largest and least responsible oil companies. Despite this painful conflict of interest, progress is incredibly swift at COP28. But behind the scenes, there are still worrying signs that self-interest is at the heart of this crucial summit. So the question has to be asked: Is COP28 a farce or a revolution?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: COP28 Farce