What did COP28 achieve?

<h2><strong>Best foot forward on Loss and Damage</strong></h2> <p>This year&rsquo;s COP started on a positive footing from day one, with the agreement to set up a Loss and Damage Fund to support those countries most affected by negative impacts of climate change. This agreement already delivered on one of the EU&rsquo;s main negotiation goals. By the end of the two weeks countries had pledged over $700 million to the Fund, with well over half of the total coming from the EU and its Member States.</p> <h2><strong>Global Stocktake</strong></h2> <p>The centrepiece of this year&rsquo;s COP was the Global Stocktake &mdash; a progress report or &ldquo;score card&rdquo; on global climate action and a forward guidance for countries on what they need to do to correct the course and deliver on their Paris commitments. The conclusion? Unsurprisingly, the world is not currently on track to reduce emissions sufficiently to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5&deg;C.</p> <p><a href="https://europeancommission.medium.com/eu-cop28-climate-change-3b1afe1f7c69"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: COP28 Achieve