“God Isn’t Fixing This:” The Controversial Headline That Divided America

<p>Another day, another mass shooting &mdash; this time in Maine where 22 people were killed and another 60 injured when a man allegedly wielding an AR-15-style rifle (you know the type that Lauren Boebert poses holding in family photos with her children) targeted a bowling alley and bar.</p> <p>Inevitably, the narrative from here will follow a familiar pattern:</p> <p>Shock.</p> <p>Widespread condemnation.</p> <p>A deep dive into the background of the assailant to find something&hellip;. anything&hellip; to blame for the attack &mdash; apart from the fact that the shooter had access to a high-powered weapon.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/backyard-theology/god-isnt-fixing-this-the-controversial-headline-that-divided-america-5f328c7ee7d5"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>