Contribution vs. Consumption

<p>You know, I can&rsquo;t quite recall if I heard these two concepts put together in a book somewhere, or if it&rsquo;s an original idea I put together myself. I&rsquo;m sure it was inspired by some other source outside of myself, as that&rsquo;s usually how cross lateral thinking of all kinds works.</p> <p>All I know is that we can divide up the actions humans take in life into these two categories. We are contributing, and we are consuming. Sometimes, we do both at the same time.</p> <p>But the fact of the matter is, we contribute, and we consume. That&rsquo;s true not just of humans, but of all life.</p> <p>The question I have is this: at the end of our lives, have we contributed more than we consumed?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>