The Dark Forest Theory: Should We Try to Contact Aliens?

<p>Anyone who has spent time in nature or witnessed survival programs knows the answer is a small fire and silence. It&rsquo;s easy to understand why: you don&rsquo;t want to warn the predator.</p> <p>The concept of the&nbsp;<strong>Dark Forest</strong>&nbsp;is based on this. How does it relate to aliens? We get there.</p> <p>A new study says the discovery of aliens could have dire consequences for planet Earth in more ways than one. Scientists have been discussing the dangers of sending signals into space and hearing responses for years.</p> <p>The fear is that any contact with aliens would inevitably be bad for humanity and could lead to increased infighting between humans.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Contact Aliens