Life Hits Different When You’re Sober

<p>Ironically, the &ldquo;abstaining from alcohol&rdquo; part of sobriety isn&rsquo;t what makes it stink, although you&rsquo;d think that was the tricky part. In reality, the benefits of sobriety are so great that abstaining is one of the easiest parts, at least comparatively. But that whole part about how I&nbsp;<em>have to</em>&nbsp;abstain from drinking alcohol? That part can go kick rocks.</p> <p>Don&rsquo;t get me wrong: I like that I&rsquo;m not consuming pointless liquid calories that will kill me faster than copious amounts of cake ever could. I like that, as far as overcoming addiction goes, I picked the one that could kill me the fastest. I like that I&rsquo;m free of the demons that held me for years under their oppressive thumbs each and every time I drank (or wanted to.) I like that I am the only one at the party who is clear-headed and in control.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>