Constructive Feedback: A Tale of Good and Bad Examples

<p>Providing feedback after a meeting is a crucial element of effective communication within teams.&nbsp;<strong>When done well, it fosters growth and collaboration</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; this is a muscle that needs development over time. However, not all feedback is created equal. Let&rsquo;s explore some examples of constructive feedback that propel progress and bad feedback that hinders development.</p> <h2>If you struggle with providing feedback, use this framework to really hone this skill over time and develop your own style:</h2> <ol> <li><strong>Provide a pro from the conversation</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; you authentically enjoyed this aspect of the conversation (if you can&rsquo;t figure one out then ChatGPT some examples to jog your memory).</li> <li><strong>Provide a piece of feedback</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; this is where this article comes in. Make sure you provide tangible articulation, something your connection can hone in on and practice for the NEXT conversation they have.</li> <li><strong>Provide a hope for continuing the conversation&nbsp;</strong>&mdash; this is SUPER important, tell your connection what you really hope to accomplish with them in the future! This tidbit of information also helps others who are interested in conversing with your contact (this could include investors who&nbsp;<em>see you</em>&nbsp;as part of the solution!)</li> </ol> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>