“Mastering” Construction Management: My Journey through 5 Learning Paths and Exams with LinkedIn Learning
<p><strong>A</strong>mid the pandemic, I completed <strong><em>5 learning paths and exams in Construction Management</em></strong>. Each learning path comprised approximately<strong><em> 8–10 course</em>s</strong>, with each course containing about <strong><em>*8–10 videos*</em></strong>. While working with NLNG, I recognized the need to deepen my knowledge in Construction, aspiring to become an expert in the field.<strong><em> T</em></strong>o clarify, <strong><em>the distinction between a Learning Path and individual Courses is crucial.</em></strong> <strong><em>The Learning Path process is rigorous and demands a substantial time investment to complete each one.</em></strong></p>
<p><strong>I</strong>mpressed by the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) release of PMI-Certified Practitioner (PMI-CP™) certificates for Construction professionals, I thoroughly studied the course outlines, <strong><em>even try to ask PMI New AI Assistance</em></strong> and checked for relevant Project Management Institute Standards, None is visible <strong><em>(PMBOK-Construction Extension has been removed from the portal for the marketing of this) on the PMI Portal, so I finally give up.</em></strong></p>
<p><a href="https://georgenwogu.medium.com/mastering-construction-management-my-journey-through-5-learning-paths-and-exams-with-linkedin-0781dd3e87c2"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>