How to Best Make Use of Your Time When You Constantly Have Meetings?

<p>Being an engineer requires deep focus during your work.</p> <p>Writing code requires loads of context. On top of it, you might also need to dig deep into the call stack and understand how different services interact with one another. If you lose your train of thought while doing it, your best bet is probably to start from the very beginning.</p> <p>As a junior engineer, I know this best and from time to time, I&rsquo;ll face this very issue.</p> <p>In a big company, however, you&rsquo;ll often have tons of meetings, whether it&rsquo;s stand-ups, catch-ups, or discussions. In my opinion, meetings like these usually have fewer benefits than people think they do.</p> <p>Yet, sometimes we may not have control over those meetings so we need to make time for those deep focus periods of work.</p> <p>Here are some ways I&rsquo;ve used to block out periods of time for that sole purpose.</p> <h2>1. Compact meetings</h2> <p>Some companies have monthly retrospectives where employees can voice their opinions on improvements they can make to how the team works.</p> <p>The way my team works is that comments provided during this monthly session would be totally anonymous so anyone can voice out anything without feeling the need to speak out in person.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>