Is love nothing more than a facade to make our lives consequential?

<p>How we define love. I&rsquo;ve found myself thinking more and more often that love is nothing but a concept created by humanity to increase our feeling of self importance. Biologically we&nbsp;<em>exist</em>&nbsp;to&nbsp;<em>exist</em>. No purpose beyond repopulation of the species. So what is love? The feeling you get when you feel attached to someone? Or is it the longing for their touch, or their word? Furthermore, how do we differentiate between platonic love and love love? Is lust the line that we cross when embarking on a relationship? Or is all of it- love, lust, marriage, all of it- is it all just a distraction. To keep up the facade that helps us live: that we are the center of our own universe, the main characters in a five star romantic drama?&nbsp;<strong>The inevitable melancholy of a human life is just as perpetuated by us as it is the near apocalyptic world around us.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>