Advancing Road Safety: Innovations in Machine Learning at ConscientiousCars

<p>The provided code snippet is designed to visualize images from a dataset. The function `plot_one_image(data, labels, index)` is used to display an individual image specified by the `index` parameter. The loops `for i in range(0, 5)` and `for i in range(600, 605)` call this function to display the first five images in the dataset (presumably of one category, such as dogs) and five images starting from the 600th index (likely of another category, such as roads), helping to visually inspect the dataset&rsquo;s content and structure.</p> <p><strong>Splitting the Data for Effective Learning</strong></p> <p>Before we train our machine learning model, we split our dataset into training and test sets. The training set is what our model will learn from, while the test set is used to evaluate the model&rsquo;s performance.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Advancing Road