Swift Concurrency

<p>The introduction of the concepts of Task, async/await, and Actors in Swift has revolutionized the development of code that utilizes multithreading and asynchronous execution. They offer a much simpler and efficient approach compared to the use of RunLoop, DispatchQueue, DispatchGroup, OperationQueue, and Thread. With the new concurrent code tools in Swift, it is easy to replace these objects and significantly improve code quality.</p> <h2>Task</h2> <p>Task in Swift is an asynchronous operation that provides an alternative to traditional methods like&nbsp;<code>DispatchQueue.main.async {}</code>. By using Task, we can simplify our code and gain better control over asynchronous operations. Additionally, Task offers additional options that can be explored to further enhance task execution.</p> <p><a href="https://onnerb.medium.com/swift-concurrency-fd42c072234e"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>