Beauty Is a Concept

<p>Body image often turns out to be subject to the concept of beauty. Beauty is a concept, an idea of what looks good in a human being, what type of body, what colour of eyes and skin, what facial features,&nbsp;etc. It is a concept, which means it is an idea which is supported by people. You are a person, I am a person, we are part of the &ldquo;people&rdquo;. We are totally capable of creating our own concepts, in regards to beauty as well.</p> <p>It is essential that we feel good in our bodies, that we have the energy to live a full life, that we are healthy. It is also important that we enjoy looking at ourselves in the mirror and in the photos (yes, enjoy, that&rsquo;s the right word). I will say it again. It&rsquo;s important that we enjoy looking at ourselves. We enjoy. We. Each one of us enjoys looking in the mirror. Others&rsquo; opinion on what you should look like matters a big round zero.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Concept beauty