The untold story of why I don’t use concealer anymore

<p>It started up about 5 months ago. I started to notice that the skin under my eyes was red, and a little puffy. I didn&rsquo;t think too much of it being that summer had just ended. In my mind, it was just some sunburn (I&rsquo;m still on a hunt for a natural sunscreen). If you read my recent blogpost, you&rsquo;ll see I was testing the waters a bit and tried to just use jojoba oil as not only my moisturizer, but sunscreen as well! Cover two birds with one product, err if you will? I was quite pleased with how well the jojoba oil worked! I got a beautiful tan (better than any other year before) and didn&rsquo;t suffer from much sunburn at all. I did alternate sitting in the shade and being out in the sun. How does this tie into my eye situation? Well, I did use the jojoba oil quite a bit all over my body as well as under my eyes. In my mind, I had to protect the very delicate skin under my eye area.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Concealer