Composable Services

<p><strong><em>Composable services refer to a software architectural pattern that emphasizes the construction and integration of modular, independent services to build complex applications or systems. With this approach, services are designed to be self-contained, loosely coupled, and independently deployable components that expose well-defined interfaces.</em></strong></p> <p>That sounds a lot like microservices&nbsp;<em>&hellip;</em>&nbsp;but it is also much more.<em>&nbsp;</em>Where microservices focus on structuring applications as groups of stand-alone services,&nbsp;<strong>composable architecture puts more emphasis on making those services reusable and manageable components</strong>.</p> <p>Many of the issues and problems that have plagued the development and use of microservices can be blamed upon a failure to pay sufficient attention to microservice composability &mdash; not upon the microservices pattern itself.</p> <p>The composable service pattern is based upon composing applications from self-contained, reusable services &mdash; each service focused on a specific functional or business capability so that it can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently.</p> <p>These services communicate with each other through well-defined request or event messages, enabling them to work together seamlessly within or across processes.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>