I’m usually a moderate, someone that sees the complexity and nuances in situations and doesn’t…

<p>I&rsquo;m usually a moderate, someone that sees the complexity and nuances in situations and doesn&rsquo;t believe things are black and white (pardon the pun). I&rsquo;m neither left wing or right wing, I can take you voted differently to me, I can understand you have different opinions to me on Brexit, how we tackle Coronavirus, how we run the economy etc. However few things have disturbed me as much as the Black Lives Matter issues, or rather the outpouring of opposition to it. If you are a racist, you do not have a difference of opinion to me, you have a difference in morality. So here&rsquo;s my take. I won&rsquo;t be offended if you don&rsquo;t read it- sorry there&rsquo;s no twitter version. This isn&rsquo;t aimed at anyone in particular, mainly because I&rsquo;ve seen so many comments from so many different people on my Facebook feed, on local groups, in the media etc that have made me despair. If you are black or a POC reading this, I am aware that this is a piece about race that is written by a white woman and it centralises my thoughts and feelings. I understand that tackling racism means centralising black voices and I don&rsquo;t have any desire to silence or talk over these narratives. I do hope that you aren&rsquo;t offended by this, I am speaking as a white person to white people.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@fionadignan/im-usually-a-moderate-someone-that-sees-the-complexity-and-nuances-in-situations-and-doesn-t-983eb5ae0029"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>