Creatives: “NO!” is a Complete Sentence

<h2>The Power of &ldquo;NO!&rdquo;</h2> <p>I&rsquo;m currently reading&nbsp;<em>Influence is Your Superpower</em>&nbsp;by Zoe Chance. The author shares the incredible story of Lieutenant Colonel Stanislav Petrov, who served in the Soviet Air Defense Forces. His job was to monitor the satellite early-warning network and alert his superiors to any potential nuclear missile attacks against the Soviet Union. On September 26, 1983, he received alerts indicating that five United States&rsquo; ballistic nuclear warheads were headed directly toward his country. Petrov knew the Soviet Union&rsquo;s strategy for dealing with such threats &mdash; swift and full-scale nuclear retaliation. In other words, World War III.</p> <p>With only a few minutes to act, Petrov noticed something unusual. If the United States were launching an attack, it would be a full-scale assault using thousands of weapons, not just five. What if this newly released early-warning system is in error? Picking up the phone could mean twenty million deaths by direct hits and 2 billion deaths worldwide due to starvation as a result of a nuclear winter. Petrov quickly assessed the situation and what was at stake. With an authoritative &ldquo;No,&rdquo; or in his case &ldquo;NET,&rdquo; he saved the world, literally.</p> <p>Twenty-three minutes later, Stanislav Petrov collapsed with relief upon learning that the blaring sirens, and hysterical flashing lights, amounted to a false alarm.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>